Wild Goose TV
Frequently Asked Questions
Wild Goose TV is a free streaming service that hosts the films of 10th Hour Productions and other faith-based content in sync with our vision and mission.
To sign up for your free Wild Goose TV account, click here.
If this is your first visit to Wild Goose TV, you need to click the yellow “SIGN UP” or “GET STARTED” button to begin. Choose your donation frequency and amount, or choose to “SIGN UP” under “FREE ACCESS.” Once you complete the sign up process, you can “BROWSE” for content to watch.
If you already have an account, when you visit Wild Goose TV, click on the “SIGN IN” button in the upper right-hand corner to enter your email address and password. Please note, if the upper right-hand corner does not have the option to “SIGN IN,” you are already signed in and may click “BROWSE” to find content.
Wild Goose TV can be streamed on most internet-connected devices. You can watch on your internet browser via the website www.wildgoose.tv. The Wild Goose TV app is available for free download on smartphones and tablets in the Apple App and Google Play stores.
10th Hour Productions is a Catholic nonprofit that creates films and other media, including documentaries, series, narrative films, books, etc.
10th Hour Productions was developed by The Ministry of the Wild Goose, 4PM Media and Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR of the Franciscan Friars of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus to create and support meaningful Catholic media production.
It is our desire to make beautiful stories available to all without the burden of paying.
You can support 10th Hour Productions by making a monthly tax-deductible donation, viewing our content, sharing our content, and offering prayers for our ministry.